Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Update: SOE Is Back Up!

Update May 14, 2011:

I checked The Station.com, and SOE.com, after checking out the lastest PSN news, and it looks like that the same is going to offered SOE users as PSN users, Identity Theft Protection with a welcome back package, and a password reset.  If you want more information check out my PSN blog post, and the top two links below.

May 3, 2011:

Today when I was checking my emails, I received one from Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), stating that they believe, any given SOE account holder, who has provided their personal information to SOE, may have had their information stolen.Not only PSN is down, but all gaming services from SOE are down, that includes The Station.com, the site that provides gaming for PC Gamers who love to play games like Free Realms, DC Universe Online, or Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures.

I checked the Station.com and I was taken to the second website listed below instead. The first link is an online version of the email I have received, the second is the site I was redirected to. The idea that any SOE customer now has to worry about the possibility of Identity Theft.

I will repeat this again. What is being done about this?

If you want to get a better idea of what I am talking about, check out the links below.





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